Healthy Lifestyles

Developing Positive Behaviors

Boys & Girls Clubs of Palm Beach County is committed to helping develop young people’s capacity to engage in positive behaviors that nurture their own well-being, set personal goals and live successfully as self-sufficient adults.

This year Boys & Girls Clubs of Palm Beach County distributed more than 675,000 healthy snacks and hot meals.  Clubs not only continue to tackle food insecurity but are also educating youth on the benefits of eating fresh produce and healthy food preparation through numerous garden programs.

Along with physical health, Boys & Girls Clubs of Palm Beach County continues to invest in the mental well-being of Club members. The new Mental Wellness Initiative is responsible for targeted tiered programs that include Social & Emotional Skill Building Programs for staff, Prevention Programs to promote positive outcomes among our youth, and Intervention Programs that get to the root of the problem through different treatment approaches.



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S.M.A.R.T stands for Skills Mastery and Resistance Training. This is a nationally acclaimed comprehensive prevention program that helps young people resist alcohol, tobacco, and other drug use, as well as premature sexual activity.

S.M.A.R.T stands for Skills Mastery and Resistance Training. This is a nationally acclaimed comprehensive prevention program that helps young people resist alcohol, tobacco, and other drug use, as well as premature sexual activity. SMART Moves features engaging, interactive, small group activities that increase participants, peer support, enhance their life skills, build their resiliency, and strengthen their leadership skills. The programs components are: SMART kids, for ages 6-9; Start SMART for ages 10-12, Stay SMART ages 13-15, and SMART parents.

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SMART Girls is a small group health fitness prevention/education and self-esteem enhancement program designed to meet the developmental needs of girls ages 8-12 and 13-17 through dynamic sessions, highly participatory activities, field trips, and mentoring opportunities with adult women.

SMART Girls is a small group health fitness prevention/education and self-esteem enhancement program designed to meet the developmental needs of girls ages 8-12 and 13-17 through dynamic sessions, highly participatory activities, field trips, and mentoring opportunities with adult women. The Clubs girls explore their own societal attitudes and values as they build skills for eating right, staying physically fit, getting good health care, and developing positive relationships with peers and adults.

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Passport to Manhood promotes and teaches responsibility in club boys ages 11-14. Passport to Manhood consists of 14 sessions, each of which concentrates on a specific aspect of manhood through highly interactive activities. Each club participant receives his own passport to underscore the notion that he is on a personal journey of maturation and growth.

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With a generation changing, life enhancing program goal, Triple Play/Healthy Habits empowers youth to eat right, stay active and make healthy life decisions. Triple Play’s nutrition component, called Healthy Habits, covers the power of choice, calories, vitamins and minerals, the food pyramid, and appropriate portion size.



FAN Club stands for Family Advocacy Network. This program is designed to empower parents, strengthen families, and help prevent youth from using alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs, and from engaging in early sexual activity. It is also offered to parents of youth participating in the SMART Moves program.

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SMART leaders is a booster program to SMART moves. This program keeps teens involved in SMART Moves programs after stay SMART, reinforces skills and knowledge youth learned in SMART Moves, and prepares teens as leaders to help their peers resist negative behaviors.

The Youth Health Corps members have taken leadership roles at their clubs. The Health Corps pass on their knowledge of health related topics to younger members by conducting programs themselves. The Youth Health Corps are involved in the community by becoming involved in health fairs and outreach programs.

This program focuses on the importance of good oral hygiene. Cavity-Free Zone program materials feature fun, engaging sessions and activities for club members ages 6-9, 10-12 and 13-15. Crest sponsors the Cavity-Free Zone program.

Date Smart is a supplement to SMART Girls and Passport to Manhood, and is an exciting new resource for club members ages 13-18. Through fun and easy to use sessions, members learn to achieve mutually supportive relationships free of violence and abuse. The program also encourages youth to become community advocates for relationships that promote equality and respect while combating the attitudes and behavior that lead to dating, sexual, and domestic violence.

The Boys & Girls Clubs work cooperatively with numerous non-profit and for profit health and human services organizations to enhance the knowledge of the club youth. They include, but are not limited to, the Palm Beach County Health Department, American Red Cross, local hospitals, mental health groups, the Center for Missing and Exploited Children, Amber Watch and numerous others.

The Tobacco Control Program based in Tallahassee is administered locally in Palm Beach County through the local Health Department’s Health Education and Promotion Divisions SWAT program. There are two main components of the program, SWAT (Students Working Against Tobacco) and the Tobacco-Free Partnership of  Palm Beach County.

SWAT is the youth advocacy component of the program. The activities of SWAT are supported through the work plan and budget allocations of the Tobacco Free Partnership.

Five goal areas comprise this work plan:

  1. Changing  Attitudes About Tobacco
  2. Increasing Youth Empowerment Through Community Involvement
  3. Reducing Accessibility and Availability of Tobacco to Youth
  4. Reducing Youth Exposure to Environmental Tobacco Smoke
  5. Reducing The Prevalence of  Tobacco Use Among High Risk Youth Populations.

SWAT is Florida’s statewide youth organization working to mobilize, educate and equip Florida youth to revolt against and de-glamorize Big Tobacco. The goals of SWAT are to prevent and reduce tobacco use among youth and to protect youth from secondhand smoke. Youth in SWAT are engaged in activities that educate their peers and policy makers about the need to change social norms related to tobacco. SWAT is committed to developing leadership skills in youth through training in tobacco issues, media literacy, policy development process, presentation skills, and evaluation. Through empowering the youth of SWAT and providing leadership opportunities on the state and local levels, it builds the capacity of its advocates to enable environmental and policy change.

Too many girls and young women develop low self-esteem from hang-ups about looks and consequently fail to reach their full potential in later life. The Dove Self-Esteem Fund (DSEF) was established as an agent of change to inspire and educate girls and young women about a wider definition of beauty.  The DSEF is committed to help girls build positive self-esteem and a healthy body image.

The Dove Self-Esteem Fund is part of the Dove Campaign for Real Beauty, a global effort designed to widen today’s stereotypical view of beauty.  In the U.S., the DSEF supports the Boys and Girls Club of America to help build confidence in girls 8-17 with after-school programs, self-esteem building events and educational resources.



The Boys & Girls Clubs of Palm Beach County has provided a wide variety of nationally recognized and impact driven programs throughout the years and partners with numerous other service providers, such as the Palm Beach County Health Department, Literacy Coalition, local universities, and many others to enhance the learning opportunities of the youth served.

To become a partner with the Boys & Girls Clubs of Palm Beach County and support our Healthy Lifestyle programs, please contact or (561) 683-3287.

Connect with Us

Do you have questions about the Club? Reach out and connect with us.

The Boys & Girls Clubs o Palm Beach County is committed to the spirit and letter of all federal, state, and local laws and regulations pertaining to non-discrimination. To this end, the organization does not discriminate against any individual regarding race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, pregnancy, national origin, age, disability, genetic information, veteran status, or other category protected under applicable local, state or federal law. This Policy extends to all terms, conditions, and privileges of employment, as well as the use of all Club facilities. The Boys & Girls Clubs of Palm Beach County is committed to fostering, cultivating, and preserving a culture of diversity, equity, and inclusion. Any questions related to this policy should be directed to the Director of Human Resources  by contacting us at


800 Northpoint Parkway Suite 204,
West Palm Beach, Florida 33407

Thank you to our partners
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