Great Futures Polo Brunch

Great Futures Polo Brunch

Join us for a Polo Chic afternoon at the Great Futures Polo Brunch on Sunday, April 13, 2025, at the prestigious National Polo Center in Wellington. This exclusive event offers reserved seating for an exciting polo match, where you can enjoy world-class polo action in style.

In addition to the thrilling match, the event features a sumptuous brunch and Silent and Live Auctions with all proceeds benefiting the Neil S. Hirsch Family Boys & Girls Club of Wellington.

It’s an afternoon of elegance, excitement, and philanthropy, supporting a cause that empowers local youth to reach their full potential. Don’t miss this opportunity to be part of an unforgettable afternoon for a wonderful cause!

Date & Time

April 13, 2025

@ 1pm


National Polo Center

3667 120th Ave S.
Wellington, FL 33414


Info Box

Mary Coleman
(561) 706-3357

Sponsorship Packages

Title Sponsor | SOLD out

Title Sponsor on all materials: web page, program & event signage - “Company/Individual Name Great Futures Polo”

Opportunity to host a pre-event

Logo placement on bid paddle

Acknowledgement by the emcee as the Title Sponsor at the event

Logo on Step & Repeat

Viewing of Polo Match at National Polo Center in Wellington

Two (2) VIP tables of ten (10) with premier field view to include valet parking, brunch & polo

Presenting Sponsor | $25,000

Presenting Sponsor on all materials: web page, program & event signage “Great Futures Polo presented by Company/Individual Name”

Acknowledgement by the emcee as the official Brunch sponsor at the event

Logo on Step & Repeat

Viewing of the Polo Match at the National Polo Center In Wellington

Two (2) VIP tables of ten (10) with premier field view to include valet parking, brunch, and polo


Gold Benefactor on all materials: web page, program, and event signage

Acknowledgement as Gold Benefactor at the event

Viewing of the Polo Match at the National Polo Center in Wellington

Two (2) VIP tables of ten (10) with premier field view to include valet parking, brunch, and polo


Silver Benefactor on all materials: web page, program, and event signage

Acknowledgement by the emcee at the event

Viewing of the Polo Match at the National Polo Center in Wellington

One (1) VIP table of ten (10) to include valet parking, brunch, and polo

Bronze BENEFACTOR | $5,000

Bronze Benefactor on all materials: web page, program, and event signage

Acknowledgement by emcee at the event

Five (5) VIP Brunch Tickets to include valet parking, brunch, and polo

Viewing of the Polo Match at the National Polo Center In Wellington

Patron | $2,500

Patron on all materials: web page, program, and event signage

Two (2) VIP Brunch Tickets to include valet parking, brunch, and polo

Viewing of the Polo Match at the National Polo Center In Wellington

Individual ticket | $500

Per person

gift bags underwriter | $5,000

Underwriters are listed in the event program and recognized on event signage

tent decorations UNDERWRITER | $3,500

Underwriters are listed in the event program and recognized on event signage


Underwriters are listed in the event program and recognized on event signage

table centerpieces/favors UNDERWRITER | $2,500 plus favors

Underwriters are listed in the event program and recognized on event signage

printing UNDERWRITER | $2,500

Underwriters are listed in the event program and recognized on event signage


Contributions benefit Boys & Girls Clubs of Palm Beach County, Inc., a not-for-profit tax-exempt organization. A copy of the official registration and financial information may be obtained from the division of consumer services by calling toll-free 1-800-HELP-FLA or online at, Registration does not imply endorsement, approval, or recommendation by the State. Registration #: CH1403

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